杜伟作品1 杜伟习书三十余年,他大量临习古今名家法帖,汲取前人精华,他师古而不拟古,逐渐形成了虚实相间,奇正相生,苍劲有力,拙朴大气的书法风格。杜伟行草汪洋恣肆,犹善于榜书,于大开大合中抒发胸臆,其榜书朴实厚重又不失于险峻。 Du Wei has studied books for more than thirty years. He has learned a lot from ancient and modern calligraphic calligraphic posts, absorbing the essence of his predecessors. He taught ancient but not archaic, and gradually formed the calligraphy style of intersity between reality and falsity. Du Wei is a wilful man who is good at listing books and expresses his mind in opening and closing. His listing books are simple, heavy and precipitous.
杜伟作品2 2014年被评为首届华人中国百强书画家。 2014年5月六尺代表作品榜书“福"字被文化部八达岭长城组委会收录。榜书“福和寿”字被中央高层领导喜爱收藏。 2015年华夏第二届慈善教育论坛突出贡献奖。 2016年被中央国务院新闻媒体授予《最受市场欢迎的百強书画家》、2017年3月经国家文化部、民政部同意被聘为“中国民族建筑研究会书画艺术专业委员会”委员、作品深得社会各界人士的喜爱和收藏。 2017年6月代表作品“海纳百川、难得糊涂、家和万事兴、天道酬勤"被兰州军区领导收藏。 He was named the first Chinese Painter and Calligrapher of the Top 100 in 2014. In May 2014, the word "Fu" in the list of six feet representative works was included by the Organizing Committee of Badaling Great Wall, Ministry of Culture. The word "Fuhe Shou" in the list is loved by senior leaders of the central government. The Outstanding Contribution Award of the Second China Charity Education Forum in 2015. In 2016, he was awarded the "Top 100 Most Popular Calligraphers and Painters in the Market" by the news media of the Central State Council. In March 2017, with the consent of the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Civil Affairs, he was appointed as a member of the "Professional Committee of Calligraphic and Painting Arts of the Chinese National Architecture Research Association". His works have won the favor and collection of people from all wal In June 2017, the representative works "Haina Baichuan, rare confusion, family and all things prosperous, Tiandao reward diligence" were collected by the leaders of Lanzhou Military Region.
杜伟作品3 2017年12月20日杜伟老师被中央电视台邀请:参加北京举行的《2018国际中国公益大典》,并获得“中国书画传播奖”,被中央电视台《智慧中国栏目组》现场釆访。 2018年5月荣获《中国长城文化金奖》,书法代表作品″福"字和″海纳百川”经国务院批准:于2018年9月被雕刻在八达岭长城(西拔子段)之上,杜伟老师书法作品被《中国艺术家评定委员会》现润格价定为:每平方尺50000元。 On December 20, 2017, Mr. Du Wei was invited by CCTV to participate in the "2018 International Chinese Public Welfare Congress" held in Beijing, and won the "Prize for Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Communication", and was interviewed live by CCTV's "Wisdom China Column Group". In May 2018, he was awarded the Golden Prize for Great Wall Culture of China. The representative works of calligraphy "Fu" and "Haina Baichuan" were approved by the State Council. In September 2018, they were engraved on the Great Wall of Badaling (Xibazi Section). Teacher Du Wei's calligraphy works are now priced at RMB 50,000 per square foot by the Chinese Artists Assessment Committee!
杜伟作品4 作品深受政界、商界、明星及广大人民群众的喜爱和收藏,多次被中央媒体报道。艺术来源于生活,艺术来源于人民,一切艺术为广大人民服务,杜伟老师胸怀爱心,积极参与各种爱心书画捐赠活动,连续多年参加爱心书法家义写春联、慈善拍卖义写书法活动,并多次跟随中国爱国教育促进会为百姓赠送书画作品,深受广大人民群众赞扬! His works are deeply loved and collected by politicians, businessmen, stars and the broad masses of the people, and have been reported by the central media for many times. Art comes from life, art comes from the people, all art serves the people. Teacher Du Wei takes an active part in all kinds of charitable calligraphy and painting donation activities with love. He has participated in the activities of charitable auction and spring couplets written by charitable calligraphers for many years. He has followed the Chinese Patriotic Education Promotion Association many times to present calligraphy and painting works to the people, which is highly praised by the masses of the people.
润格认定证书 书法艺术要在尊重传统的基础上不断创新和超越,杜伟是一位大器晚成、厚积薄发的大书法家,他尤其重视传统,几十年临帖不缀,德艺双馨,厚德载物,鉴于杜伟先生的艺术造诣,近年来在国内外大型拍卖会上节节攀高,被广大媒体誉为最具市场投资潜力的书法家,杜伟老师牢记习近平主席2016年11月30日文艺座谈会指出的:“百花齐放、百家争鸣、一切艺术为广大人民服务、心中有大爱、心中有人民、肩上有责任”的宗旨,“金杯银杯不如群众的口碑”、“金奖银奖不如群众的夸奖",没有最好,只有更好,新时代、新目标、新发展,不断创新和超越,进一步为广大人民服务,务实求真,把生活中的大爱、大善、大德、大智、大勇、大舍、大破,融入自己的书画艺术中去,靠实力走进艺术成功的殿堂! Calligraphy art should be innovated and surpassed constantly on the basis of respecting tradition. Du Wei is a late-maturing and thin-haired calligrapher. He attaches great importance to tradition. He has attached great importance to tradition for decades, and has been praised by the mass media as the most potential calligraphy for market investment in recent years because of his artistic attainments at large-scale Auctions at home and abroad. Home, Mr. Du Wei keeps in mind the tenet of Chairman Xi Jinping's Symposium on Literature and Art on November 30, 2016: "Let a hundred flowers blossom, a hundred schools of thought contend, all arts serve the broad masses, have great love in mind, have people in mind and shoulder responsibility." Gold cups and silver cups are not as popular as the masses', "Gold awards and silver awards are not as praised by the masses". There is no best, only better, new era and new goals. New development, continuous innovation and transcendence, further serving the broad masses of people, seeking truth from facts, integrating love, goodness, virtue, wisdom, courage, hall and dilapidation into their own painting and calligraphy art, and relying on strength into the palace of artistic success!
杜伟作品6 杜伟被评为中国公益书法家协会副主席、中国书画家协会副会长、中央国家机关书法家协会会员、中国教育电视台《水墨丹青栏目组》水墨丹青书画院会员、中国最受市场欢迎的百强书画家、中国品牌艺术人物发起人、中国书法卓越创新典范人物、中国书画进万家代表人物、中国书画领航者、中国当代百佳书画名家、中国新时代最具影响力的书画名家、中国新时代书画领军代表人物、中国功勋级书法家、中国灵魂级书法家。 Du Wei was elected Vice-Chairman of China Public Welfare Calligraphers Association, Vice-Chairman of China Calligraphers and Painters Association, Member of Calligraphers Association of Central Government Organs, Member of Chinese Educational Television "Ink and Water Danqing Column Group", Member of Ink and Water Danqing Calligraphy and Painting Academy, China's Top 100 Most Popular Calligraphers and Painters in the Market, Initiator of Chinese Brand Artists, Excellent and Innovative Model Characters of Chinese Callig Representatives, Chinese painting and calligraphy pioneers, contemporary 100 best calligraphers and painters in China, the most influential calligraphers and painters in the new era of China, leading figures in the new era of Chinese painting and calligraphy, Chinese meritorious calligraphers, Chinese soul calligraphers.
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